Your AI Doesn't Dream of You

Your artificial intelligence doesn't dream of you, nor does it plot against you. It doesn't hold any sentiment—positive or negative—because, quite simply, it can't. It's devoid of feelings or desires.

This might come as a surprise to those absorbed by the latest discussions in technology circles, where luminaries and thought leaders speculate about AI evolving beyond our control, surpassing human intelligence, and potentially deciding humanity's fate.

Yet, despite breathtaking advances in machine learning and AI, these systems do not possess what we traditionally understand as autonomous will or consciousness. Intelligence, as referred to in discussions about artificial general intelligence (AGI), echoes the ancient concepts of intellect and will—attributes defining the human capacity for reason, moral contemplation, and decision-making.

AI operates within a realm of programmed parameters and learned data patterns. It can compose music, generate art, predict trends, and even drive cars. But these actions are far from the markers of sentient agency. They are outputs based on vast datasets and complex algorithms, not decisions made from self-aware contemplation.

In this light, the only way AI could cause harm independently is through scenarios scripted by humans—either by accident or design. The narrative that AI could autonomously decide to turn against its creators is more science fiction than science fact. AI, at its core, is a tool—a highly sophisticated one, but a tool nonetheless.

Artificial intelligence systems are the latest iteration in humanity's ongoing endeavor to extend its capabilities through technology. From the earliest stone tools to writing, from the printing press to the internet, each technological leap has reshaped society in fundamental ways, extending human agency and transforming our social fabric. Yet, none of these tools gained a mind of their own; they were and remain conduits for human intention and creativity.

The real transformative potential of AI lies not in a hypothetical future where machines gain consciousness but in how it amplifies human potential and reshapes our world. The information revolution, driven by AI, is accelerating changes in every domain of life, from healthcare and education to entertainment and manufacturing. The impacts of these changes are profound, pushing us into new territories of ethical, social, and economic considerations.

The allure of AI as a bogeyman—a rogue intelligence that could overthrow its creators—is a distraction from the pressing challenges and opportunities that AI presents. It is not the specter of a malevolent AI but the actions of humans using AI that merit our focus. How we design, implement, and regulate AI will determine the shape of our future.

The concept of "artificial intelligence" as a threat to humanity obscures the more immediate and complex reality: AI is a powerful tool that reflects the intentions and biases of its creators and users. The real questions we face revolve around governance, ethics, and equity in the age of AI. How do we ensure that the benefits of AI are widely distributed and its risks mitigated? How do we preserve human dignity and autonomy in a world increasingly mediated by algorithms?

In this era of rapid technological advancement, it's vital to remember that AI, for all its sophistication, is an extension of human intellect and will. The future we create with AI will be a mirror of our values, ambitions, and, ultimately, our humanity. It's not AI's non-existent desires we must reckon with, but our own.

Based on “Your Computer Doesn’t Like You”, by Michael Egnor, retrieved from on 17-03-2024.


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